How Environmental Pollution Hurts People and Animals

January 13, 2023

Air pollution causes respiratory complications in dogs and cats by damaging their lungs and mucous membranes, which can lead to the loss of their sense of smell, a fundamental sense because it is through their sense of smell that they communicate with each other, recognizing hierarchies and states of mind. , Health.

There are breeds more prone to respiratory crises, the so-called brachiocephalic ones: the Boxer, Bulldog, Boston, Pug, Pekingese. They are the most delicate and susceptible to contamination. Asthma in cats is a condition that can be exacerbated by air pollution.

Our faithful friends can also suffer from conjunctivitis and dry eyes, and if there are any changes in their behavior or appearance: dry nose, poor mood, fatigue, lack of appetite, etc., it is important to consult a veterinarian to improve their health.

Pets and pollution

In environmental emergencies, our pets must also comply with emergency measures. You will have to prevent them from exercising, if they are used to going out to go to the toilet, these walks should be very short, no more than five minutes, it goes without saying that even if they are in a hurry, do not forget to pick up their feces.

It is important that they sleep safely, not in the patio, but indoors with the windows closed. That your food and water dishes are not in contact with rain or the outside air, as pollutants are mostly carried in the water and air.

To us they are loyal company, they are part of the family, and to them we are part of their herd, and for the herd they give their lives, so we have to take care of them.

All types of pollution also negatively affect the quality of life and human health. Contaminated water is a source of transmission of many infectious diseases, especially childhood diseases.

Air pollution, in turn, is usually associated with respiratory illnesses of varying complexity, mainly in the elderly, children and pregnant women. Excessive noise also causes hearing problems, headaches, stress and problems with learning and concentration.

Consequently, the environmental issue must be part of the agenda of our political leaders, and it is impossible to think about pollution in isolation from the social problems of each country.

Environmental pollution affects the immune system and therefore has a negative impact on human health.

Various studies have confirmed the link between living in a heavily polluted city and an increase in respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, allergies…

The immune system is responsible for protecting the body from disease . If it is constantly exposed to polluted air, the immune defense will decrease and its ability to respond to attacks on our body will be reduced.

But when we talk about people, it is children and the elderly who are most affected by pollution. According to the WHO, these two groups are most susceptible to respiratory and cardiovascular disease.

“Environmental pollution affects the immune system and therefore has a negative impact on human health.”

How Pollution Affects Human Health

Much of the pollution in major cities that affects our health comes from gases emitted by vehicles, industrial areas and waste, among other things. All of these gases have harmful short- and long-term effects on human health. Respiratory problems, cardiovascular disease, cognitive problems, fertility problems or cancer are some of the illnesses that living in a city with high levels of pollution can lead to.

Respiratory diseases affect children more because their immune systems are in full development. Among the diseases that this group suffers the most from exposure to pollution are asthma, allergies, rhinitis, and atopic eczema. It is estimated that 10% of the child population in Europe suffers from one of these diseases. Figures that have been increasing in recent years.

On the other hand, the elderly are also another group susceptible to this problem. Older people are more affected by pollution because they usually have comorbidities and, in addition, their immune systems are more weakened than those of young people.

How to prevent the health effects of pollution

The best way to prevent diseases caused by pollution exposure is to reduce the amount of gases we put into the atmosphere . The World Health Organization has already established emission levels that must be met. If we meet the targets, according to the WHO, 15% of long-term mortality caused by pollution can be avoided, in addition to curbing the greenhouse effect.

Are you willing to do your part to reduce the gases we emit into the atmosphere and thereby improve the quality of life for everyone? This requires the consciousness of people.

How does pollution affect all living things?

Pollution is when hazardous pollutants enter the air, water, or soil. These pollutants can have serious effects on entire ecosystems, making life difficult for people, plants, and animals. Children and the elderly are especially susceptible to the health effects of these toxins, and in many cases, exposure to pollution has a cumulative effect on the body.

Air Pollution

Air pollution consists of particulate matter and gases. Many pollutants are carcinogenic. People who inhale these poisons are at increased risk of asthma and reproductive system damage. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, birth defects can also be caused by air pollution. A 1995 study found a link between air pollution and increased mortality from cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. Humans are not the only living things affected by toxic air pollutants. Some toxins, such as mercury, are deposited on plants and in water sources, which are then consumed by animals. The health effects of these poisons are then amplified along the food chain. Animals at the top of the food chain end up having the highest concentrations of toxins in their bodies.

Water Pollution

Water is a vital necessity. People and animals need clean water to drink. Farmers need water to irrigate crops. People like to use lakes and rivers for recreation. Unfortunately, this valuable resource is easily polluted by agricultural runoff, mining, recycling plants and improper disposal of industrial waste. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency tracks 80 different contaminants that can affect drinking water. Microbial contaminants include bacteria and viruses. Most people can fight microbial contaminants, but people with weakened immune systems can become seriously ill. Pollutants such as solvents, pesticides, radium and arsenic are more dangerous, this type of pollution can cause long-term health problems in people. Wildlife can also die from exposure.

Throwing away trash

Garbage is unpleasant and dangerous. It often consists of plastic, metal or glass, materials that do not break down in the environment. People, especially children, can be seriously harmed by a broken bottle, rusty or discarded piece of metal. Medical and medical waste is a biohazard that can make people sick. Garbage also ruins the beauty of parks and beaches, so people avoid these places. Trash is deadly to wildlife, especially marine animals. Trash washes down the street into the sewers, into our waterways, and eventually into the ocean. Some of this flush ends up on beaches. Entanglement causes animals to slowly die. Birds are especially susceptible to entanglement when gathering material for their nests. A curious animal swallowing trash can die of starvation or malnutrition if the foreign object obstructs the animal’s intestinal tract. Garbage can also suffocate and harm seafloor inhabitants. Toxic substances from trash also accumulate in fish, exposing humans and animals to these contaminants.

Soil Pollution.

Soil contamination consists of particles, liquid or solid, mixing with the soil. Contaminants can be physically bound to soil particles or in spaces between soil particles. Contamination occurs when hazardous substances are spilled or buried in the ground. It can also occur when contaminants, such as chemicals or industrial smokestack residue, are deposited on the ground. Plants growing in contaminated soil absorb hazardous substances through their roots. People or animals who eat these plants can get sick. People and animals can also inhale soil contaminants through airborne dust or absorb these dangerous chemicals through their skin. A 20-year study published in the ” American Journal of Epidemiology ” found that people exposed to dioxin in soil had higher rates of diabetes and cardiovascular and endocrine problems during the study.